LC3010 quick pattern sequence development flow

Clear GUI defaults (recommended)

  1. In the GUI installation directory go to the sequence_files subdirectory and delete or rename the files defaults.seq and defaults.set. When opening the GUI click ok on the two messages warning the files cannot be found.  This step prevents the population of the pattern tables with default data which may not match the pattern data in the connected projector.

Define the pattern library

  1. On the Pattern Library tab click on the “+” button in the Pattern Set Table. A new entry will appear in the table.
  2. Edit the pattern set name as desired.
  3. Select the bit depth (1-bit or 8-bit) and type (vertical or horizontal) as desired.
  4. With the pattern set selected, click on the “+” button on the Pattern Data list. A file selection window will open.  Select the desired files and click on the “Open” button to add them to the pattern data.
  5. Repeat file selection until all desired files are added to the pattern set. Use the up and down arrow buttons to rearrange patterns in the pattern set.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to add as many pattern sets as desired up to 256 pattern sets.

Save the pattern library (recommended)

  1. In the Target dropdown box select “Text File (.csv)”.
  2. Click the down arrow button and enter a file name to write the pattern set definitions to a .set file.  The .set file contains all the setting and path name information from the Pattern Set Table and Pattern Data lists. 

Program the pattern library into the target projector

  1. In the Target dropdown box select “Projector (flash)”.
  2. Ensure the GUI is connected to a powered LC3010 projector.
  3. Click the down arrow button to program the entire Pattern Library (pattern set definitions plus pattern data) to the connected LC3010 projector.

Define the pattern sequence

  1. On the Pattern Sequences tab click on the “+” button in the Pattern Sequence Order Table. A new entry will appear in the table.
  2. Select the pattern set containing the desired patterns.
  3. Edit the entries for pattern quantity, illuminator color, inversion, exposure time, pre-exposure dark time, and post-exposure dark time. Each of these settings is valid for all of the patterns displayed from the current pattern order table entry. 
  4. (Recommended) with the GUI connected to a powered LC3010 projector, click on the check button. This confirms the exposure time is at least the minimum required for the pattern type, and increases the exposure time setting if it does not meet the minimum.  It also sets the pre-exposure and post-exposure dark times to the minimum required values based on the exposure time setting.  After verifying timing with the check button, increase the pre-exposure and post-exposure dark times to the desired values.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to add as many pattern order table entries as desired, up to 128.

Save the pattern sequence (recommended)

  1. Click the down arrow button and enter a file name to write the pattern sequence definitions to a .seq file. The .seq file contains all the settings for the pattern sequence from the Pattern Sequence Order Table.

Program the pattern sequence into the target projector solution memory

  1. Ensure the GUI is connected to a powered projector.
  2. Place the projector in 1D Pattern Sequences operating mode, with all settings as desired for operation (LED current, trigger configurations, pattern sequence running or stopped, etc.).
  3. Go to the Solutions tab and enter a name into the Solution Name box.
  4. Click the “+” button to add a new solution containing the pattern sequence and all other projector setting data.
  • After the solution is saved the projector can be returned to the saved operating state by selecting the solution name and clicking the up arrow button to load the solution.
  • To save multiple pattern sequences, repeat all the steps for defining a pattern sequence and add it as a new solution. Up to 64K solutions may be saved.


Editing existing pattern library and pattern sequences

The procedure for editing is similar to initial development, but instead of populating the pattern set table and pattern sequence order table manually they can be populated by recalling the .set and .seq files.  To do this, select “Text File (.csv)” in the Target dropdown and click the up arrow button.

  • If editing on a different PC than the original .set file was generated on then it may be necessary to change the path names in the .set file. This can be done with any text editor.