Pattern sequences may be triggered by either hardware trigger signals or software commands, and controlled by using the LC3010 GUI, user software via USB/HID, or in some cases user software via I2C. Here are some example use cases:
Pattern sequence plays entirely through one time from a single software start command
Follow the instructions in knowledgebase article LC3010 Pattern Sequences Part 1: Development to build and save a pattern sequence as a solution. Before saving the solution ensure the TRIGIN checkbox is NOT checked. Set the saved solution as the power up default in order to enable the pattern sequence whenever the projector is powered up; otherwise, load the solution using the instructions below in order to enable the pattern sequence.
1. DLPC3478 I2C address is 0x1B (7-bit), 0x36 (8-bit)
2. Do not use external pullup resistors on LC3010 I2C.
3. LC3010 solutions cannot be loaded by I2C command. An alternative is to use a series of I2C commands as described in Texas Instruments DLPC3478 Software Programmer’s Guide to load pattern sequence data.
Pattern sequence plays step-by-step from a hardware trigger input
Follow the instructions in knowledgebase article LC3010 Pattern Sequences Part 1: Development to build and save a pattern sequence as a solution. Before saving the solution ensure the TRIGIN checkbox is checked. Set the saved solution as the power up default in order to enable the pattern sequence whenever the projector is powered up; otherwise, load the solution using the instructions below in order to enable the pattern sequence.
1. DLPC3478 I2C address is 0x1B (7-bit), 0x36 (8-bit)
2. Do not use external pullup resistors on LC3010 I2C.
3. LC3010 solutions cannot be loaded by I2C command. An alternative is to use a series of I2C commands as described in Texas Instruments DLPC3478 Software Programmer’s Guide to load pattern sequence data.
4. Optionally reset the pattern sequence after displaying the last pattern to ensure any missed or extra trigger signals will not affect subsequent pattern sequence iterations.
Pattern sequence plays step-by-step from a software trigger (Keynote Photonics LC3010 unique feature)
Follow the instructions in knowledgebase article LC3010 Pattern Sequences Part 1: Development to build and save a pattern sequence as a solution. Before saving the solution ensure the TRIGIN checkbox is checked. Set the saved solution as the power up default in order to enable the pattern sequence whenever the projector is powered up; otherwise, load the solution using the instructions below in order to enable the pattern sequence.
1. I2C commands cannot be used for software triggering of pattern sequences, other than the (limited functionality) Pattern Step command described in Texas Instruments DLPC3478 Software Programmer’s Guide.
2. Optionally reset the pattern sequence after displaying the last pattern to ensure any missed or extra trigger signals will not affect subsequent pattern sequence iterations.